Skin Cancer Screening

skin with regular screenings

Care for your skin with regular screenings.

Completing self-skin checks are great, but there are some things you may miss. Let an experienced set of eyes examine your skin for any signs of cancer. Early detection is key in the treatment.


Each examination is thorough, quick, and painless. You'll feel confident you are giving your skin the best care. For those who are prone to cancer, a regular annual screening is important.


Let our providers care for you skin by scheduling your annual skin-check today.

Practice Prevention

There is much you can do to prevent skin cancer. By limiting your exposure to the sun,  wearing a hat, applying sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher, and reapply it every two hours you can help prevent skin issues. If you see anything suspicious, please call our office to schedule an appointment.


Most forms of skin cancer are treatable. Dr. Trask and Krista Smith, PA-C have all the necessary tools to examine your skin. If treatment is necessary, a plan of care will be discussed.

Full-body Screenings are the best at detecting possible skin problems.

Have you scheduled your annual skin check screening?


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